7 bold and powerful LGBTQ books that will delight children and teenagers

7 bold and powerful LGBTQ books that will delight children and teenagers

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Who said that writing about and for children had nothing to do with activism and politics? For decades, children's literature has enjoyed debunking taboos, prejudices and clichés. By awakening its young audience (and their parents) to environmental struggles, the animal cause, racial discrimination... But also to gender stereotypes.

As such, there are more and more fictions to address the diversity of sexual orientations, but also the complexity of gender identity, and the reality of its fluidity - no offense to transphobes. Albums and novels, for children and teenagers, never cease to dig this furrow. And to shake up the codes.

7 livres LGBTQ audacieux et puissants qui réjouiront enfants et ados

The proof in seven playful, daring and deeply sensitive LGBTQ readings.

"Jonas" by Lily Arcoeur
