Éric Zemmour annoyed against Yves Calvi: "My private life only looks at me"

Éric Zemmour annoyed against Yves Calvi: "My private life only looks at me"

Si sa campagne pour l’élection présidentielle de 2022 affole les Français, il en est de même pour sarelation avec sa conseillère. Depuis que les photos de sa baignade avec Sarah Knafo ont été publiées en couverture de Paris Match en septembre dernier, Eric Zemmour ne cesse d’être interpellé sur la complicité fusionnelle qu’il partage avec la jeune femme de 28 ans. Lassé par ces sempiternelles questions autour de sa vie privée, le polémiste a souhaité mettre les choses au clair une bonne fois pour toutes. Invité du Petit-déjeuner de campagne sur les ondes de RTL, ce mercredi 15 décembre, le principal concurrent de Marine le Pen a très vite balayé d’un revers de la main les questions concernant sa relation avec Sarah Knafo. ""Les Français s'intéressent à ce que je dis sur la France et à ce que je dis pour la survie de la France, a-t-il déclaré avec un certain agacement au micro de Yves Calvi avant d’ajouter. Les Français se moquent de ma vie privée et ils ont bien raison"".

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Not wishing to clarify the status of the relationship he has with his inseparable advisor, Éric Zemmour insists that his private life ""looks at"" only him.Married to Mylène Chichportich and father of three children, the candidate for the head of the ""Reconquest"" party categorically refuses any form of ""Americanization"" and overmedicalization of his family life.According to him, the day of the election the French will not vote ""a couple"" but indeed ""a man"".

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— Taylor 🌸 Wed Oct 24 01:50:07 +0000 2012

Sarah Knafo omnipresent in Eric Zemmour's campaign

She is her best support.Éric Zemmour can count on the ""conviction"" that Sarah Knafo had when he saw him in him the ""next president"", as Antoine Diers pointed out during his first large official meeting at the Villepinte Exhibition Park.It must be said that since the start of his campaign, the polemicist and the masterful at the Court of Auditors have been inseparable.

In the first episode of the Battle of the Elysée, a documentary on the presidential campaign, broadcast on TF1 on Monday, December 6, 2021, Eric Zemmour and Sarah Knafo agreed to appear together in front of cameras.""This is the first time that they have been in front of a camera, the first time we hear the sound of his voice alongside that of Eric Zemmour, said journalist François-Xavier Ménage in the columns of TV-Hobbies.It is a real pair that flows into this battle.""

Photo credits: RTL morning screenshot
