After months of rumors, Fabienne Carat revealed that she was pregnant with her first child.During an interview with Public and published this Friday, October 1, the former star of Plus belle la vie agreed to confide in this sudden pregnancy.
A happy event awaits Fabienne Carat.After letting the rumor run for several months, the former actress of Plus belle la vie took advantage of a recent interview with the current woman to announce that she was waiting for her first child.Now separate, the actress has therefore decided to live this pregnancy solo, or almost, since she can count on the support of her relatives, especially that of her sister Carole.""This pregnancy is natural and miraculous.It is almost a gift from heaven (...) It happened so suddenly, I did not expect it at all, ""she admitted to the current woman.During an interview, granted to public this time, the future mother remembered the day she discovered that she was waiting for a child: ""One morning, drinking a coconut drink that I love, I started to have a bar in my stomach.It didn't look like me!I decided to check and I was served...""
The one who was still indecisive on her desire as a child recently was turned upside down by this new. En toute transparence, elle a fait part de ses doutes à nos confrères : ""En voyant le résultat du test, j'ai halluciné ! Je me suis mise à trembler, prise d'une émotion très forte.I did not yet know if it was joy, fear...I didn't even know if I was going to keep it. C'était si soudain"", a-t-elle avoué au magazine hebdomadaire. Dans cette même interview, Fabienne Carat a expliqué qu'elle ""ne tenait pas à être maman à tout prix"" avant que le miracle se produise. ""Mon désir n'était pas assez clair, j'étais prête à assumer de m'être réveillée trop tard...But fate caught up with me! ""
A pregnancy kept a secret time
Separated from the father of her child, the actress of research section has a time wishing to keep this new secret. ""Je me disais que si je m'habillais de façon plus moulante, il faudrait que j'assume et que je me dise c'est vraiment vrai"", a confié la comédienne auprès de Femme Actuelle. ""Et je savais que je devrais faire face à des questions auxquelles je ne saurais peut-être pas quoi répondre."" Dans les colonnes du magazine Public, la soeur de Carole Carat a reconnu qu'elle avait ""encore du mal"" à parler de cette grossesse : ""J'ignore à quoi c'est dû.So far, I didn't really see myself being pregnant, while not imagining my childless life. Ce qui m'arrive aujourd'hui est tellement dingue que c'en est irréel !"", a-t-elle observé, bien décidée à profiter de ce ""cadeau"" du ciel...
Photo credits: Tiziano da Silva / Bestimage
- Fabienne Carat