Here's why most babies are born at night, according to experts
It's official: most women give birth at night! This theory has been confirmed thanks to a study carried out by scientists from the City University of London. After analyzing nearly 5 million births in England, the verdict is in…
Birth: 71.5% of births take place at night
71.5% of births took place during the time slot between 1 a.m. and 7 a.m. A peak in births was even spotted at 4 a.m.! But then, what is this phenomenon due to?
According to the British researchers in charge of the study, if the majority of babies are born before sunrise, it is largely because of our ancestors and their way of life! Explanations.
@antonnies We've seen it with the ANC, parties that protest, does not know how to build and govern. EFF is followin…
— Spiritual Wonder Bears Wed Jul 28 16:15:00 +0000 2021
As Dr. Peter Martin explains, “It may be part of our evolutionary heritage. Our ancestors lived in active, scattered groups during the day and came together to rest at night. Thus, a delivery and birth at night probably provided some protection for the mother and the newborn.
Night birth: a question of ancestral security
According to the conclusions of the study, if the chances of giving birth at night are greater, it is therefore for a question of ancestral security! It is clear that many, many years later, this phenomenon continues to impact the time of current births.
Be aware that most night births concern babies who are born naturally. And for good reason, births by cesarean are much rarer at night. Generally scheduled, they logically reflect the work habits of healthcare professionals.
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