It is the Slip festival in the Lille metropolis this winter for the benefit of the homeless!
All this winter is the Fête du Slip in the Lille metropolis!It can make you smile, but the idea is very serious.It is carried by the podium car, an association of Hellemmes friends and it aims to collect underwear for the homeless people.
"It is true that we receive sweaters, pants but never underwear, note Charlyse Boucard, social worker and member of the association Le Car Podium.It is of the order of intimate because we can also go to the end with the underwear.It's so obvious that we miss it! "
Talk about intimate hygiene
The initiative makes it possible to draw attention to an underestimated problem of precariousness: intimate hygiene."After the funny aspect of a briefing of the panties, we are talking about a reality that is much less so," said Charlyse Boucard.
presently, showing odin how to make a baking soda and vinegar rocket better than it was before w/ tin flashing, contact cement & duct tape.
— Eric C Snowdeal III Sun Jul 24 21:25:53 +0000 2011
The Slip Festival takes place all the duration of the winter break, until April 1.It could not take place last year, the volunteers therefore want to catch up.Collectors are installed in several places in the Lille metropolis: at the University of Lille, at the IUT B in Tourcoing, at the Vauban neighborhood house in Lille, at the Steenwerck CCAS but also in companies.
Objective 1,000 briefs
All donations will then be distributed to CMAO (Mobile Coordination Home Orientation) and organizations that make maraudes.
The desired donations are mainly aimed at men, with briefs and new underpants.But socks and bras are also welcome, if they are in good condition.Charlyse Boucaud fixes a goal: "I would like to do at least 1,000 briefs! 1,000 briefs, it's a minimum and it's a good figure!"
A solidarity concert in early December made it possible to collect 440.Two others are scheduled for February and March.
More information on collectors on the Podium Car Facebook page.