Meeting: Camélia Jordana takes a stand and defends her commitments

Meeting: Camélia Jordana takes a stand and defends her commitments

Travailler avec une jeune chanteuse et actrice demande toujours quelques précautions d’usage, mais là, en cette fin d’avril, le cas a viré au particulier : Camélia Jordana prend position depuis des mois de façon si franche, si exposée, recevant plus de coups qu’elle n’en donne, qu’elle en arriverait à nous faire oublier qu’un ou une artiste qui ouvre sa gueule, c’est devenu impensable en 2021. Les réseaux sociaux, qui ont pour fonction commune de libérer la parole, leur ont coupé le sifflet. Pas elle. Camélia Jordana parle de ces endroits que les autres ont désertés.Rencontre : Camélia Jordana prend position et défend ses engagements Rencontre : Camélia Jordana prend position et défend ses engagements

At the start of the spring, after a year to denounce police violence, to assert positions inspired by neofemism and postcolonial theses, it is associated with two other popular singers and "resulting from diversity" (expression-valley thatuse those who do not come from them), Amel Bent and Vitaa.A allority project, an album to come in 2021, but whose extract is already available: a cover of Diam's, Marine, written in 2004, during the transfer of power between Jean-Marie Le Pen, historic chief of the National Front, and her daughter."He was released three days ago [we are the 6vil].It goes well.It’s a song that looks like us, and brings together thousands of people.Since the time when Diam’s sang him, seventeen years ago, many things happened.»»

In the meantime, Marine Le Pen rose to the second round of the 2017 election and the predictions of the next ballot almost give a second final duel between Emmanuel Macron and the president of the National Rally.Twenty years ago, such a perspective would have triggered an artistic sanitary cordon;not anymore.To believe that these three girls alone see the danger: "We were asked if we would accept a debate with Marine Le Pen, but this is not our job.We are talking about a woman victim of her sire.Marine, I limited compassion for her.She cleans very far to make the father forget today.In the song, Diam’s wrote this sentence: "You have a first name", it's a call to what she thinks otherwise.She broke with the father, but did she break with her ideas?No, she always embodies the extreme right.Also, the threat of Le Pen President is to take seriously.»» Aussitôt le titre balancé par surprise, la frange droite des réseaux sociaux s’est mise vent debout : « Les réactions les plus épidermiques venant de la fachosphère, sincèrement, je n’y accorde plus aucune importance.It's been so a year that I am finished that I just want to focus on the positive, the sweet, the benevolent.»»

Rencontre : Camélia Jordana prend position et défend ses engagements

"To be finished": the expression, by its very violence, gives to the one who speaks to us a paradoxical force: if she can smile at it, they will not have finished with her.And then she says it as if the insults came to curl around her to serve her armor."My Instagram is not in private.I block, I only point out when it is really disgusting;Those who come to say just that they don't love me, I let flow.Networks are used for that too.In January, when I released my easy × fragile album, I experienced a concerted attack: for twenty-four, I had a mountain of abject comments, hateful.It became current.If you are an artist who is committed, you know you can no longer escape it.So no, I don't lose my energy to suffer for it, thank you.There is too much to do in life.It could even have fun, sometimes.Among the bad comments, there are violent things but formulated by people who have a form of humor that I do not hate.I like them, those who have the art of formula.And if not no, I do not benefit from any police protection...Ah ah!No, I did not ask.»»
