Sarah Fraisou: photo in underwear is scandalous because of detail that makes Internet users gnash their teeth ·Global Voices
A few days ago, Sarah Fraisou was reporting on violence from a gynaecologist against her on social media. "they called me fat. They're bitches. There's a gynecologist, I said, 'Hey Sir, I've been with my boyfriend for two years, I want to get pregnant' he replied.'Ah ma'am, is it normal, did you see how fat you are?'" A shocking revelation that is still in the head of the 29-year-old woman, who wants to start a family as she told her community.
Celle qui participe à la troisième saison de la Bataille des Couples sur TFX a de nouveau fait parler d'elle. La faute à une nouvelle photo d'elle sur laquelle, elle affiche sa silhouette amincie en sous-vêtement. Mais si les critiques se sont abattues sur la candidate de télé-réalité, c'est à cause d'un détail qu'un internaute a mis en lumière :
This dream she wants to embrace in the near future!
While Sarah Fraisou spoke about her dream of starting a family, she also wants to pursue a career in music. She has already released the song Mater and participated in the title of DJ Hamida, Prishtina.
"I didn't end up in music like that!" she told her subscribers. "I've been there since I was a kid. I used to sing before (...) it was always a dream. And before we didn't care so much about my g * * ule... I have sounds that are hidden. We didn't care about my strong g * *".
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— Paudimodel Wed Mar 01 02:54:25 +0000 2017
In fact, she even goes so far as to reveal having tried her luck in a very famous tele-crochet. "I even cast the New Star, stop believing. Ah, I'm going to die, I'm throwing files." But it wasn't "pre-selected". "I've got the only one."
She went on to say: "I discovered myself and in fact it was always a passion! so I started again. Now I have sounds coming out, feats coming in". Then she concluded by saying, "who's going to neglect me again in music?"
Also to see: Sarah Fraisou has lost 30 kilos: she unveils her new figure in bikini
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