Amel Bent pregnant: her daughters announced her pregnancy to her husband in a hilarious way

Amel Bent pregnant: her daughters announced her pregnancy to her husband in a hilarious way

Par Mélodie Capronnier
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Quand Amel Bent a su qu'elle était enceinte, ce n'est pas elle qui l'a annoncé à son mari. Ses filles Hana et Sofia s'en sont chargées, débordantes d'excitation !

Après avoir vécu une douloureuse fausse couche, Amel Bent est à nouveau enceinte. La chanteuse et son mari Patrick Antonelli, déjà parents de Sofia (5 ans) et Hana (4 ans) se réjouissent de l'arrivée prochaine de leur troisième enfant. Comment ce dernier a-t-il appris qu'il allait à nouveau être papa ? Dans le magazine Nous Deux, la future maman raconte une anecdote touchante.Amel Bent enceinte : ses filles ont annoncé sa grossesse à son mari d'une façon hilarante Amel Bent enceinte : ses filles ont annoncé sa grossesse à son mari d'une façon hilarante

Sofia and Hana have taught their dad that Amel Bent is pregnant

Amel Bent discovered that she was pregnant this summer, after her husband "suggested to buy a pregnancy test".The idea of being big sisters immediately delighted Sofia and Hana: "I don't know how my 5 year old daughter knows that, but when I took the bag test, she said to me: 'you areOn a semily [sic]? '"recalls the singer.An adorable and hilarious pronunciation!

Amel Bent enceinte : ses filles ont annoncé sa grossesse à son mari d'une façon hilarante

The fact remains that Sofia and Hana wanted to be the first to know if their mom was very pregnant."When I got out of the toilet, my two daughters snatched the hand test for me and shouted throughout the living room: 'Maman is a hanger!'.This is how their father learned my pregnancy, "says Amel Bent, hilarious.We too find it very funny, but also very cute.

Amel Bent feels "an apprehension"

After losing a baby, Amel Bent cannot help worrying about the health of his future baby."Now that the first trimester has passed, I am more relaxed.On the other hand, I am very attentive to my body.I saw the baby, he's going great, but I will have an apprehension until the end, "she confides to both of us.Fortunately, she can count on the support of her family, whom she sees as "a cement, an anchor".

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