
Breastfeeding: possible incidents during the first feedings
Lorsque les mamans sont confrontées à des difficultés au début de l’allaitement, elles se découragent souvent, arrêtent d’allaiter... et le regrettent par la suite. Voici quelques incidents qui peuvent survenir ; ainsi vous les reconnaîtrez, vous saurez comment réagir et éventuellement vous faire aider par un professionnel.
My ends of breasts are small, not very prominent
Your nipples can be retracted inwards when they are at rest.This does not prevent breastfeeding since, to suckle, the baby stretches with his tongue the whole part of the nipple and the areola and maintains this part well in place in his mouth.But the baby can have a little difficulty place his mouth and tongue.It is therefore important to put it within a moment when it is very calm, and even sleepy.If your nipple is really retracted, you can before feeding it to come out with touch, or a breast pump.The use of silicone breasts is indicated on the condition that your nipples do not come out at all.Its use deserves to be accompanied by a professional (size, good installation, prevention of engorgement, optimization of milk transfer to the baby).
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My milk is not suitable
Mother's milk intolerance does not exist except in the extremely rare case of a pathology called galactosemia, in baby who does not digest lactose, one of the sugars of breast milk or animal milks.Your baby cries and doubts are installed: is my milk good for my little one?Stay convinced that your milk is the best food for your baby, the most suitable, especially during the first six months, because it is!How many women have once heard a person around them, a doctor sometimes even, tell them that their milk was not good or sufficient for their baby, so that they go to infant milk!
The only thing that can occur is that your baby is intolerant of cow's milk proteins, and in this case, he will have painful regurgitations, digestive problems that will put your doctor or pediatrician on this track.Eviction of products containing cow's milk proteins (dairy products in particular) can be envisaged to see if things improve.
Breastfeeding: I have too much milk
Don't throw it away, but give it to a lactarium-breast milk collection center.By giving your milk, you may increase the chances of survival of a fragile or premature baby!To find the coordinates of the lactarium in your region, consult the official website of perinatal or ALDF networks, Association of Lactariums of France.
Do not worry elsewhere, your milk production will gradually adapt to the needs of your baby.
If you find that breastfeeding does not start very well, do not despair, nothing is lost.Contact a breastfeeding support association. Parlez-en avec la sage-femme qui vous suit peut-être dans le cadre du PRADOou à une spécialiste de l’allaitement, une consultante en lactation) ou une sage-femme qui a un diplôme en lactation, un DIULHAM
I don't have enough milk
When a baby often claims, the mother thinks that he does not receive enough milk. Si sa prise de poids est satisfaisante (150 à 200 190 à 230g selon le sexe du bébé en moyenne par semaine au début), que sa courbe de croissance est bonne, il a peut-être surtout besoin de sucer, d’être porté, entouré, câliné.He may also express a difficulty in sleeping.Porting, rocking and new feeding will then be excellent solutions to help it.
Milk production is very slow and insufficient
From as far as we have found writings, mothers testified to their concern about their milk production.Recall that an effective way to stimulate lactation is to put the child within both sides, to one breast and then to the other.You can also use a breast pump to further stimulate milk secretion.
Finally, complements of artificial milk should only be given if the weight gain is insufficient and on precise and detailed medical indication.First consider completing with your milk, collected by hand or with a breast pump.Infant milk will be given as a last resort.
If it were necessary to complete with a bottle, choose a pacifier with a slow flow so that milk does not come too easily or too fast: the bottle being easier to take, the baby could get used to it and refuse the breast, which could compromise a slightly fragile lactation.Better yet, you can give milk to the cup or the syringe, which is done for some prematurers, and makes it possible to avoid the risk of confusion breast.It takes a little time, but is worth it.
When a mother takes these precautions, it is rare that lactation does not start. Pourtant, au bout de 5 à 10 jours d’essais infructueux, bien des mamans abandonnent, ce qui est dommage, car on peut voir des démarrages d’allaitement très lents : la production lactée ne se fait régulièrement qu’au bout de quinze jours, voire même trois semaines parfois.
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Breastfeeding me
Pregnancy and childbirth are a big "work" and it takes some time to feel in shape.In addition, taking care of a baby requires energy.Respect your sleep needs.Like any young mother, the nursing mother needs time to recover: short and frequent periods generally allow you to gain a little rest.
Ask your partner or someone around you to take care of the baby between two feeds and take advantage of it to take a nap.Besides, do you give time to take your meals?Also check that you are well installed.If, despite everything, you are very tired, before considering weaning, talk to the doctor, it can be a lack of vitamins and iron.
Even with small breasts, a mom can have a lot of milk.Large breasts and abundance of milk are not linked.
Manual or electric breast pump?
There are manual breast pumps that are on sale in pharmacies or parapharmacy-not covered by health insurance-and electric breast pullers whose rental is covered by health insurance on prescription of a doctoror a midwife.
It can happen that one breast gives more than the other.It does not matter.Start feeding with the one who gives less.
Beginning of breastfeeding: I hurt the nipple
In the days preceding childbirth the sensitivity of the nipples is increased.While we can tolerate greater breast sensitivity, unbearable pain is a reason for calling the situation closer.Your installation to breastfeed, as well as that of your baby, may also be correct.Make sure your baby takes the areola well and does not hurt you.At the end of the feed, spread a drop of your milk on the nipple (breast milk is antiseptic and healing).Let it dry.Purified lanoline ointment, sterilized honey, the pharmacist will guide your choice.
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The baby cannot suckle
It happens that a baby does not have the strength to suckle, because it is too weak (in particular the great premature).As he particularly needs his mom's milk, we pull the milk and give it to the baby to the bottle, the cup, or the syringe.
Il peut avoir des difficultés à téter parce qu’il est gêné par une malformation (fente labiale, fente palatine : il existe des tétines spéciales qui vous seront recommandées par les professionnels de santé qui s’occupent de votre bébé) ou par un frein de langue très serré court, ou parce qu’il coordonne mal les succions-déglutitions, place mal sa langue, etc.In the case of the too short language brake, the section of this small membrane, placed under the infant's language, can be carried out by the pediatrician at maternity or his cabinet.A city doctor: ENT or dentist will also be able to make a diagnosis if necessary.
In other cases, the baby will have to learn to suckle;If the advice of maternity staff are not enough, do not wait to request the help of a lactation consultant.
The baby does not want to suckle
He was born in term, but he is sleepy and does not seem to be hungry.This situation is frequent in particular because the newborn does not head hungry but by reflex.It takes little to destabilize you, however.Too many people still know that the newborn can very well suckle as a sleepwalker.There is no point in wanting to stimulate the child by various maneuvers (gratouilla or tickles are indeed to be avoided).If your baby fails to suckle, even though you brought him to the breast while he was just lifting an eyelid, express milk and give him in a small spoon for example.This aperitif will encourage him to suck up afterwards.
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What to do when a breastfed baby regurgite a lot?
We sometimes forget that breastfeeding babies also need to make Rots.Your child regurgitates a lot, it is not abnormal, it is even very common.This does not justify going to the bottle.It must be stirred as little as possible after feeding, keep it vertical for a while, leave him his bib.However, repeated and painful regurgitations, occurring at any time (including the night), make one think of a gastroesophageal reflux, especially if they are associated with "discomforts", with agitation and crying crises, withRespiratory disorders (night cough), slowdown in growth.You will have to consult the doctor without waiting.
Baby has a sucking cloque with the upper lip
It's nothing, the little skin that covers the bulb will dry and eliminate itself.But it may be the sign that your baby shakes up too much: in this case, your nipples are sensitive.It will be good to review in which position you are located to breastfeed it.The traditional position of the Madonna, for example can sometimes spread your baby from the breast and thus lead him to pinch his lips.Take help by a professional or a breastfeeding support association.
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