Containment: can we leave during the Easter holidays?
Depuis le 20 mars, les départements d'Ile-de-France, des Hauts-de-France et des Alpes-Maritimes sont confinés. En annonçant cette mesure, Jean Castex a indiqué que le confinement devrait durer au mois quatre semaines, soit jusqu'au 17 avril, date de début des vacances scolaires de la zone C, dont fait partie la région parisienne, et une semaine avant celles de la zone B, incluant les autres régions confinées. Alors que, le 20 mars, un ministre déclarait au Journal du Dimanche qu'"enfermer les Français à Pâques ne [figurait] pas dans les scénarios", les familles pourront-elles partir en vacances à ce moment-là ? La question reste incertaine.
Will confinement be lifted after 4 weeks?
By announcing confinement, the Prime Minister did not reveal the expected incidence thresholds to be able to deconish.The current level of circulation of the virus is of an impact of more than 400 per 100,000 inhabitants of these departments, recalls the Huffington Post.At the containment of the fall, it was not until three weeks to iron below the maximum emergency threshold (incidence of 250 per 100,000 inhabitants), but the measures were more strict.It is therefore difficult to know how long it will take before the confined areas again reach an acceptable threshold for circulation of the virus.
The other factor that could play in the decision to set off, is the COVVI-19 vaccine.Jean Castex has indeed indicated that confinement should play a role in the circulation of the virus, but also that its duration of four weeks would make it possible to reach "a very important first level" in vaccination, in particular people "the most vulnerable", like those over 75 and people with comorbidity.
Go on vacation in the event of an extension of confinement: it's no
One thing is certain: if the current health measures are extended, it will not be possible to go on vacation at Easter.The confined areas are indeed subject to a ban on interregional travel therefore, unless you go to another corner of the region in which we live, we will not be able to leave.