« Marre du Covid-19 » : de confinements en couvre-feux, le récit d’une France qui en a « ras le bol »

« Marre du Covid-19 » : de confinements en couvre-feux, le récit d’une France qui en a « ras le bol »

After fear and anger, after perplexity, the brief returns to normal, the hopes quickly showered, it is a kind of sticky depression that took hold of the country.As if this covid-19 pandemic provoked the same worried weariness as chronic diseases, with their ups and downs, their lights of optimism and their relapses.

From confinements to a fire, the future takes on the appearance of an endless horizon.The vertigo of the unknown follows a feeling of wear, the impression of being blindfolded in a huge laundry.There are those who fight to try to keep their morale and those who get there.Those who have settled in fatalism and those who are impatient.Everyone would like to know which sauce they will be eaten when the prospect of new restrictions hovers.

Lire aussiArticle réservé à nos abonnésDes anonymes au monde politique, réticences et résistances contre un troisième confinement

In the meantime, "all squeeze their teeth," notes a Parisian dentist who saw an epidemic of facial pain in his patients hatch.Eczemas, acne crises in adolescents, back pain, the situation is not without repercussions on the physical and health of the French.

« Marre du Covid-19 » : de confinements en couvre-feux, le récit d’une France qui en a « ras le bol »

As for morale, of course, he takes a hit."Among the most fragile, it goes as far as depression, despair," notes Antoine Pelissolo, head of the psychiatric service at Henri-Mondor Hospital in Créteil (Val-de-Marne).We observe a real discouragement, a difficulty in living without the usual supports, distractions and ordinary sociability.Many people are on the stiff rope: it would be enough for them to collapse.»»

This crumbling of social ties is one of the great reasons for complaint, as much as anxiety of unemployment or daily difficulties.And first of all the disappearance of "kisses", these small exchanges of nothing at all that sometimes seemed so trivial, almost mechanical of the time when you could still make it.Those who live with the family catch up, like Marie, part-time secretary in Ille-et-Vilaine: "We compensate with kisses, hugs, we recreate the affective.»»

Mais, pour beaucoup, le manque de contacts est lancinant, toutes générations confondues. Bernard, gardien d’une école primaire du 12e arrondissement de Paris, le dit avec simplicité : « On ne voit plus les sourires, on ne peut plus se serrer la main, même ma sœur je ne peux plus l’embrasser. C’est ça le plus dur. » Depuis quelque temps, la pause cigarette revient un peu plus souvent, s’étire un peu plus longtemps, pour pouvoir quitter « ce foutu masque ». Bernard l’avoue, il est « fatigué ». Au point qu’avec cette crise qui n’en finit plus il commence à « compter les jours » jusqu’à la retraite.

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