The right reasons to take your paternity leave

The right reasons to take your paternity leave

By Clémentine ThineyPublié shares it by e-mail

Vos destinataires
Je certifie ne pas envoyer d'e-mail indésirableBébé va bientôt arriver ! C'est le moment pour vous de prendre une grande décision : allez-vous prendre ou non vos 28 jours de congés paternité ? Voici quelques arguments qui ne vous feront pas hésiter longtemps.

Since July 1, 2021, paternity leave has increased from 11 to 25 days (to which must be added three days of birth leave).Some future dads jump to this idea and others are a little more reluctant.Alexandre Marcel, author of the book "I did not expect that!"And from the Papa Plume blog, as well as the illustrator and author Yannick Vicente, greatly encourages you to take this leave.

Take advantage of your child

A birth is a unique moment.Now is the time to put on your new daddy's costume.We still advise you to avoid too light colors and too sophisticated clothes.Enough with the jokes !These 28 days will allow you to take full advantage of your child, and to spend unique moments.To attend his first chirping, his first strollers, the first meetings with the family ... In short, every first times of baby at birth.And as Alexandre Marcel reminds us: "You have to take it for yourself as a dad".

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Create the first father-child links

Being a dad is a real upheaval.Whether it is the first time or not, the arrival of your little one is strong in emotion.Nine months that you are waiting for it and it is finally there.By taking your paternity leave, you can accompany it in the first days of its life.There is nothing more precious.Yannick Vicente explains: "In the first days after birth there are lots of super important things that are played, especially in the ties and figures of attachment".The author of the Papa-Plume blog approves: "We may prepare for it we are still overthrown during a birth.Discovering an infant is still extraordinary.We don't want to turn around in 30 years and tell ourselves that we have missed that ”.

Learn good gestures with the baby

Les bonnes raisons de prendre son congé paternité

Putting on a body, giving the bottle, changing the layer, snow baby ... Here are the new activities that will punctuate your daily life.But that is not innate, it can be learned.Precisely, these 28 days will allow you to be more comfortable with these gestures: "It is not by going back to work after two days that we are going to familiarize themselves with all this", exclaims AlexandreMarcel.You will soon be a body of the body, and the preparation of the bottle will no longer have secrets for you.These moments will also allow you to know your baby better, and you can create certain rituals.For example, the time of the bath, which is often very popular with toddlers.Alexandre Marcel, author of the Papa Plume blog tells: "Since my daughter was born, it was I who gave her the bath.It’s a moment of complicity ”.

Lire aussi :

Be there for the mom

After childbirth, the mother is very tired.It’s not nothing to wear a child for 9 months and get him out of his belly!Without counting the physical problems post-elimination, and the hormone falls ... Besides, postpartum depressions are not uncommon.According to a study, it would affect 10 to 15 % of women."I am sure that we would reduce the depressions of young mothers if the dads were more present," said Papa Plume.The illustrator and writer Yannick Vicente seems enough to agree: "You have to support the mother.It is important that the couple supports ".In addition, if the mother feels soothed, it will also have positive impact on the child.Because it is a real emotional sponge!On the contrary, if the mother is stressed, she will communicate it to the baby.

Try to rebalance domestic and parental tasks

When we talk about parenting, we often think of the mom.However, the dad is just as fit as the mother to take care of her baby.“You have to ban stereotypes.No parent is more good at another to take care of the infant, "said Yannick Vicente.Taking your paternity leave also allows you to end the stereotype of the mother at home, and the dad at work."The goal is not to end up in the scheme of the perfect family, but to do the best one can," continues the illustrator.And who knows, maybe reduce the mental load of mothers!

Because it is a right for fathers

Established in January 2002, paternity leave was initially 14 days (including three days of birth leave).Since July 1, 2021, it is 28 days.A measure that aims to balance the roles a little more between parents.If some do not think of taking it, for others it remains too little.The report of the first 1000 days of the child suggests nine -month -old parental leave.People, men and women, campaigned for the fathers to have this right.So even if this leave will be anything but relaxing, enter this right!
