Her stepfather announces her miscarriage on Facebook, a devastated woman
Lever le tabou sur la fausse couche est important, mais c'est aux parents de décider si, et quand, ils veulent en parler. Après avoir perdu son bébé, un couple a découvert qu'un membre de la famille l'avait annoncé au monde entier en prenant la parole sur Facebook. Pour la jeune femme, c'est particulièrement douloureux.
A dramatic miscarriage
"I recently made a miscarriage.I started bleeding around my tenth week of pregnancy.At first I was not too worried because I had the same problem at 5 weeks and the ultrasound showed a healthy baby.However, bleeding has amplified and I finished in the emergency room.They examined me and assured me that everything was fine...But that was not the case.At my ultrasound of the 12 weeks, the first time my husband saw the baby, we were told that he had died around 9 weeks.The image will haunt us forever, "says this woman on Reddit.
After that, she was able to count on the support of her mother, who accompanied them."She explained everything next to the family.I couldn't face them.My husband contacted his side.We have promised everyone not to talk about it on Facebook, "she explains."I spent the day staying strong for my husband, but then it struck me.I wore my dead baby for several weeks.I finally collapsed, "she recalls.
Despite the ban, his stepfather announces his miscarriage on Facebook
The same evening, when she is collapsed by the news, she receives a notification on her smartphone."My stepfather had told everything on Facebook.When we saw it, there were already more than 200 likes and a lot of comments.I was devastated and angry...So mad.It was our baby.My baby.Not hers.Even if we wanted to announce it publicly, it should have been on our conditions.In response, I locked my phone and my husband refused to watch his.He already had messages, "explains this woman.Even if she wanted the publication to be deleted, it was too late: the news had already made its way.
"In addition to that, my stepfather has severe mental health problems.No one is going to oppose him, no one wants to annoy him.I'm not even sure that someone tells him one day that he did was bad.I have the impression that my pain does not interest anyone, "says this woman, obviously devastated.
Will she be able to forgive her stepfather?
"The worst part is that I am not sure I can forgive him.It's a good and warm person but I can't stand cope with him.I lost all confidence.I have already canceled our plans for Christmas.I'm afraid that if we go, I lose my composure and it causes a family argument.[...] This was the most painful experience of my life, physically and psychologically, "she explains.She then asked for advice on whether she will one day excuse her stepfather's gesture and, above all, how to overcome her pain.
"Your husband must absolutely help you manage this case with his father.His mental health problems are not a good reason to sweep this under the carpet, "replied a surfer."You may be able to forgive him.You may be able to trust him again.We cannot answer these questions.Only the future can do it.I recommend that you follow therapy if it is in your means, to mourn this pregnancy (which is not nothing, it can be like losing a child already born) and to talk about the betrayal you havelived ", recommends another member of the forum.And another to add: "Your first priority is you.[...] You are the only one that counts in this situation ".