How often should you wash your jeans?

How often should you wash your jeans?

Cela en surprendra plus d’une appartenant à la Team “je lave mon denim à chaque fois que je l'ai porté”, mais de nombreuses personnes ne nettoient pas souvent leurs jeans. Les raisons? La matière brute de ce pantalon solide ne se salit que rarement quand on le porte, ce qui rendrait le lavage inutile. Enfin, au vu des prix élevés de certains modèles tendance ou vintage, d’autres modeuses craignent simplement de nettoyer leur denim préféré au risque de l’abîmer.À quelle fréquence faut-il laver ses jeans ?

Unthinkable not to wash your clothes before postponing them for some, inconceivable to wash for nothing and limit the lifespan of your favorite room for others: the question divides in fashionistas as in denim pros, but whichSo right?Should we wait for the task or tackle the task?We tell you everything.

Regular washing in all cases

At the risk of shaking up the team habits "I don't wash my jeans", you should actually clean your jeans after having worn him 5 or 6 times, every four to six days of continuous use.A frequency on which several specialists and manufacturers of denim agree and which allows you to have clean jeans but which ages well without being damaged more than that.

Washing your jeans after wearing it only once would it be useless?Not really...Know all the same that after only one use, your denim is covered with microbes, certainly harmless, but very real.Indeed, dead skin cells, sebum and residue of everything that could have come into contact with the garment during the day are present on the fabric even if the latter, very robust, considerably limits odors...Welcome, hi!

À quelle fréquence faut-il laver ses jeans ?

You will understand, even if you are not a fan of washing after each use, do not wait until your jeans start to smell bad to clean them.

Let us also remember that if you stain your jeans, it is strongly recommended to wash it very quickly to prevent the fabric from being permanently permeated.

Why such a washing frequency?

Quite simply because the chemicals contained in detergents like detergent would tend to sustainably weaken the initial color of your jeans.This is why you should not clean your denim before 5 or 6 uses ideal.So there, there are some of the team "I wash as I wear my jeans" which have a Cornelian choice to make: wash or not wash your favorite jeans after each use at the risk of damaging it?Do not panic, we give you the manual for a smooth cleaning which will allow you to wear and wash your jeans as much as you like!

How to wash your jeans and clean up your high -end denim without damaging them?

Whether you are a follower of the 1 time out of 6 or the One Wear One Cleaning, here are some cleaning recommendations to make the right washing choice.If the Denim pros advise to wash your jeans in hand and cold water rather than the machine to allow dyes integrated into the material to hold longer, this technique can be very restrictive especially when it iscarries different models of this essential dressing room every day of the week.

First of all, know that there is another parameter to take into account - often unknown by the way - this is the type of fabric of your jeans.Is it a denim or a RAW denim?The first is the basic denim that has been treated to fix the color on the fabric while the second is a raw denim which has not been treated to keep the color in the fibers.Conclusion: Basic will be more washing resistant while RAW Denim will tend to be more easily dated to become unique and vintage over time.For the washing of this raw material, it will therefore be necessary to apply the same cleaning tips as for more fragile high -end jeans.

You have a basic model at low prices, let's be frank, it is better to wash your jeans without a machine outlet than to zap cleaning: opt just for a cold wash and that will be enough not to do any damage.

You have a high-end Denim Fragilesi you wear it occasionally, hand washing is realistic, if you wear it constantly, simply opt for the "delicate" cycle of your washing machine and slide it in a bagprotector to prevent your jeans from clinging to the inner structure of the machine once it is on the way.Remember that after all, that's how we wash our fine lingerie and our silk clothes and scarves.

Whatever your type of jeans, it is unlikely to pass your jeans to the dryer.If it is a luxury or raw model that is therefore more fragile, we ban our drying accomplice without hesitation.

Special mention in the event of a stain: do not try to rub the soiled place, you risk diverting the area and leaving a visible brand in the long term.The use of a stain remover is also not recommended for the same reasons.

Read also: - How to put on too small jeans when you have grown?- How often should you really wash your wool sweater?- 12 tips to prevent your white clothes from seeing yellow or gray- How to wear the jeans?- How to wear the denim shorts when you are round?
