Maternity suitcase: the essentials if you expect twins

Maternity suitcase: the essentials if you expect twins

By Astrid Barbé shares by e-mail

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Je certifie ne pas envoyer d'e-mail indésirableDans quelques petites semaines, ce sera le moment tant attendu de la rencontre avec vos jumeaux. Pour organiser au mieux votre séjour à la maternité, il est préférable de s’y prendre à l’avance. Que mettre à l’intérieur de votre valise de maternité ? On fait le point avec Hafida Ansel, sage-femme.

You are pregnant with twins and the D-Day is fast approaching.Naturally, you ask yourself a whole bunch of questions and among them: what changes when you are preparing a suitcase for the arrival of twins?Already that a maternity suitcase for a single baby requires a certain level of preparation, for two pieces of cabbage, do not hesitate to anticipate it.

Maternity suitcase for twins: when to prepare it?

This is a pleasant moment, where you can already project yourself into the outfits that your babies will wear.To live it as well as possible, plan to prepare it from the seventh month (or beginning of the eighth), all the more in the case of a twin pregnancy where childbirth often arrives than expected.

What to do for twins in the maternity suitcase?

Valise de maternité : les indispensables si vous attendez des jumeaux

For a 4-5 day stay:

The layette

For twins provide for birth or premature size clothes, as they are generally small templates.

The toilet

The little plus

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