To treat his budget and the planet, the 5 secrets of the “unicorn method”

To treat his budget and the planet, the 5 secrets of the “unicorn method”

Save money, but not at any cost! This is the leitmotif of the group “budget management, mutual aid and minimalism”, which arouses enthusiasm on Facebook.

Its members, who call themselves “the Unicorns” – in reference to the banner of the group on which the mythical animal appears –, today number more than 50,000. Women with children for the most part, who share advice and ecological tips and each month launch challenges to save money without harming the planet and its inhabitants.

Founded in 2015 by Marie Lefèvre and Herveline Verbeken, this self-help group is oriented towards ecology, minimalism and ethics. The pillar of this community? Benevolence. The essential question, according to its founders, is whether “the modern freedom to consume” can be expressed “at the expense of the health of the lives of other living beings, even unknown ones”.

To take care of your budget and the planet, the 5 secrets of the “Unicorn method”

“We have seen people completely change their way of consuming in a few months”, marvel Marie Lefèvre and Herveline Verbeken in their book “J’stop de surconsommer”, which has just been released by Eyrolles. A progressive program aimed primarily at mothers to adopt a minimalist and ethical lifestyle. We Demain has dissected the “Unicorn method”. Here are the five key steps.
