Carcassonne: a very nice end of 2021 for the Red Cross
A great momentum of generosity on the part of college students
Two Red Cross volunteers went to inform students of the Grazailles college.The FSE launched the operation "The Fortnight of Solidarity".About fifteen students with the help of the Red Cross, were made aware of volunteering and the solidarity action of this institution.The students then relayed the message in their respective classes and more than 35 united boxes as well as foodstuffs that were given to the Red Cross on the eve of the holidays: warm clothes, hygiene products, festive products, toys for children ... These boxes were also accompanied by small words wishing a good year, and data to the homeless and the beneficiaries.They also collected foodstuffs distributed to families in need.
Christmas toys
Two members of the Carcassonnnaise round table came to deposit the toys that had been collected since the beginning of December for the local Carcassonne unit.These toys were given to children of the beneficiaries.
Boxes filled with happiness
The small hands of rural families have prepared parcels for beneficiaries and maraudes, in order to give a little moment of joy during the holidays.The Rural Foyer of Bram came to deposit "shoe boxes" collected by its members.These boxes contained, as for those of the Grazailles college, clothes, hygiene products ...
Also, individuals brought boxes to the town hall and were distributed to several associations including the local unit of the Red Cross of Carcassonne and were given during the maraudes.
Also, the Aude Red Cross has renewed the solidarity operation in partnership with the CCAS of Montolieu and the collaboration of students from the village and maternal school in the village.All gift boxes were accompanied by a personalized greeting card by children.
A meal for all
On Sunday, December 26, 2021, a festive meal was offered by the Rotary and developed by the Red Cross of Carcassonne and distributed in the premises 2 rue Charles Fourier, by members of Rotary and the volunteers of the local unit.
La Croix-Rouge de Carcassonne remercie tous les donneurs qui ont permis d'améliorer la fin d'une année un peu rude pour tous. Les dons ont été très appréciés.