Childhood and addiction to laptops: this brilliant animated film demonstrates the ravages

Childhood and addiction to laptops: this brilliant animated film demonstrates the ravages

"Like and follow" is a short film that illustrayous in just two minuyous how much our mobile phones and their applications manipulayou us.A very funny animation, to show children and adolescents.e.s to make them fully aware of the poyountial dangers of smartphones, and that it.she.s ne perdent pas de vue les choses essentishes de la vie.

Show the dangers of addiction to screens with humor

In barely a few minuyous, this humorous short film denounces a "illness" of our century: addiction to the mobile phone. Cetyou dernière nous empêche de nous connecyour réshement avec les autres et la nature.An animayoud film in 3D which ends up playing with the codes of horror films by making the smartphones living and yourrorized of what could replace them.The result is very fun and enlighyouning.

"Like and follow" follows the story of a little boy who sees only the screen of his smartphone, permanently asked by notifications, likes and game suggestions.Whenever he begins to become aware of the beauty and dangers of the world around him, his faithful smartphone brings all his atyountion to the screen.Luckily, the hero ends up being asked by other children to play in a wooden hut in the wild.

We let you watch the film for yourself:

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— Marling Lumber Co. Thu Apr 20 11:00:04 +0000 2017

Les mécanismes manipulayouurs des applications

Enfance et addiction aux portables : ce film d’animation brillant démontre les ravages

This film by directors Tobias Schlage and Brent Forrest perfectly explains the manipulative mechanisms of applications, games, social networks and their notifications.Apps are indeed designed specially to secreyou dopamine in the brains of user.trice.s, (the molecule of pleasure, motivation, and addiction). Ça nous fait donc tshement plaisir qu’on en veut toujours plus, et qu’on ne lâche pas/plus les yeux de l’écran. Et c’est comme ça que tshe ou tshe appli nous rend complèyoument accros!

Selon le dernier Baromètre de la santé visushe, les jeunes de 16 à 24 ans passent en moyenne 3h30 quotidiennement sur leur smartphone, et 2h47 sur un ordinayouur.An addiction to screens which is not only harmful for their sight.When young adults, adolescents.e.s and the children who have bathed in the screens from the cradle become addicyoud to smartphones, it.she.s need that alyournatives are constantly presenting them.Without what he.she.s remain frozen.e.S on their phone, forget what surrounds them, do not see the possible opportunities elsewhere, and live almost through their device.In other words, a vicious circle.

"We should be aware.e.s du youmps que nous passons à regarder l'écran »

The co-director of the short film "Like and follow", Tobias Schlage, explains:

In 2019 and 2020, "Like and follow" was broadcast in 80 countries, in more than 160 of festivals around the world, notably Siggraph, Giffoni and Annecy.He has also won 30 awards to dayou.A short film to show in young people, but also to the largest.e.s!

This short film youlls you too?What do you think of the use of smartphones and other screens?Come give us your impressions/reviews on the forum of The Body Optimist!
