Frévent: Several hundred people paid tribute to Chanel, victim of harassment

Frévent: Several hundred people paid tribute to Chanel, victim of harassment

Par Florian BrassartPublié lemis à jour le 6 Oct 21 à 13:16
Actu Pas-de-Calais
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L’émotion était palpable ce mercredi 6 octobre 2021 au collège Pierre Cuallacci de Frévent, dans le Pas-de-Calais. De 10h à 11h, plusieurs centaines de personnes se sont rassemblées pour rendre hommage à Chanel, la jeune fille âgée de 12 ans qui s’est donnée la mort jeudi dernier. Elle était victime de harcèlement scolaire. Frévent : plusieurs centaines de personnes ont rendu hommage à Chanel, victime de harcèlement Frévent : plusieurs centaines de personnes ont rendu hommage à Chanel, victime de harcèlement

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His comrades, his family and his loved ones wore white jerseys on which messages in the memory of Chanel were registered."Stop harassment, let's protect our children," was one of the slogans who often returned this morning.He was written in red felt on the t-shirts.

« Protégeons nos enfants»»

A white march was organized through the city of 3,500 inhabitants, around 600 people were present.The procession stopped at the City Stade right next to the municipal swimming pool.Chanel liked to go there to spend time with her friends.Flowers, photos and candles were placed on a bench, its bench.

Aggressiveness on social networks

Frévent : plusieurs centaines de personnes ont rendu hommage à Chanel, victime de harcèlement

"It touches us and it warms our hearts, it's super important."Lindsay took the opportunity to warn the parents:" Many children are harassed on social networks and nothing is done.Some even change schools, it is not normal.They must be protected.»»

She is now expecting the concrete on the part of schools."We have to teach children what harassment is.We must not tell them that once a year, we must repeat it several times if necessary. Pareil pour les parents car les enfants ne se rendent pas compte du mal qu’ils font»», conclut-elle.A real scourge.

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