How to prepare your body to face the winter season?

Scientists have shown that seasonal changes can affect our immune system.If there is a more feared season than the others, it is winter.The cold and the fall in brightness ask our body to adapt and weaken it.Fortunately, there are 100% natural tips to pass through winter viruses and keep shape.

In It is already tomorrow, Frédérique Le Teurnier receives Valérie Coester, doctor specializing in natural medicines and co-author of the book The secrets of good immunity at Albin Michel.With it, it takes stock of the solutions that exist to boost our immune system.

Eat, move, sleep: three pillars to stay healthy

Food brings good micronutrients to our body.Eating makes us happy above all, but also optimizes the work of detox.Foods bring all the nutrients necessary for the proper functioning of the human body and nourish our microbiota.We must not forget that the intestine is our second brain.

Comment préparer son corps à affronter la saison hivernale ?

Moving provides oxygen to all cells.By practicing physical activity, our body is fully rooted in the moment and we do good.During the effort, the lungs are also called upon.Breathing and the cardiovascular system are relaunched to oxygenate all cells more and thus boost immunity.This is all the more true in the fall when the body is exposed to many ENT viruses.

Sleeping well is also essential.It is during the night that the repair capacity of the body is restored.
