Resolution 2019: I donate my used clothes to associations

Resolution 2019: I donate my used clothes to associations

What if you take advantage of this beginning of the year to sort through your closets and make sure that the clothes you no longer wear benefit someone who needs them? The options are many. It is thus possible to donate your clothes to associations such as Emmaüs, Le Secours Populaire, La Croix Rouge or Tissons la Solidarité. Recycling centers or resource centers may also be an option. To find out if there are any around your home, you can consult the map found here.

You can also drop off your clothes in collection terminals, such as those at the Relais. To find a container near you, a map is available here.

Résolution 2019 : je donne mes vêtements usagés à des associations

The solidarity tie allows you to give a second life to your professional clothes, and the association Les socks orphanes collects lonely socks in order to recycle them!

Finally, if you are not yet ready to part with some of your favorite clothes that no longer fit you, why not take up sewing to try to give them a second life? ID shared here three tutorials to transform a sweater into a hat, a shirt into a skirt or recycle a sweater with a hole in the elbow into a side-saddle sweater.
