Responsible fashion brands bet on upcycling

L’upcycling, ou «surcyclage» en français, consiste à récupérer des pièces (tissus, meubles, objets du quotidien…) pour les transformer en une nouvelle entité. L’upcycling se différencie du recyclage classique car il s’agit bien là de donner une valeur ajoutée au produit de base, refaire du neuf avec du vieux!Les marques de mode responsables parient sur l’upcycling

Selon les dernières études avancées, le textileserait la 2ème industrie la plus polluante dans le monde . Produire des vêtements consomme de grandes quantités d’eau, utilise beaucoup de produits chimiques et de pesticides tout en émettant du gaz à effet de serre.Dans un monde où les préoccupations écologiques deviennent, à juste titre, une problématique majeure du secteur textile, l’upcycling est donc une alternative qui permet:

In the world of fashion, the first public appearance of this concept dates back to autumn 1989 during the parade of Belgian designer Margiela. The dummies then wore parts designed from Franprix plastic bags.

The concept has been seduced ever since, and it's got a lot to do with it! We find it especially in decoration for example-we have probably all seen a pallet, tyres or barrels transformed into outdoor seats.

Les marques de mode responsables parient sur l’upcycling

Today, Modeintextile tells you about upcycling initiated in fashion, decoration and fabric accessories, through a non-exhaustive list of dedicated brands.

L’upcycling, le bon élèvede l’habillement responsable

A decade of fast-fashion has generated huge unsold stocks. To cite just one example, 170 tons of clothing are thrown away every year at the start of the school year. In recent years, a new generation of brands has become aware of the need to rethink the sector's economic models, and new eco-responsible brands are betting on upcycling, among other things.

Les marques de mode responsables parient sur l’upcycling

Infographic: the retrievable

Les accessoires aussi se transforment

Accessories, whether made of leather or fabrics, are not spared the waste of unsold goods and raw materials. What industrial logic does not take into account, upcycling does!

La décoration redonne vie aux tissus usagés

Decoration isn't just wooden, metal or plastic furniture. Textiles and fabric are essential elements in the decoration of a room. Between seats, carpets and curtains, the possibilities of upcycling are very real.

Besoin d’aide? Des services dédiés à l’upcycling existent !

Whether you are a company or an individual, it is not always easy to turn to a more environmentally friendly mode of production and consumption; choosing upcycling sometimes takes a lot of effort and reflection. And these companies have clearly understood this by providing coaching and advisory services in this process.

So why Don't you get on with it, too? Thanks to the NICTs, you can find many tutorials and DIY that will allow you to reduce your ecological footprint, to do good to your wallet while letting your creativity speak!

Carcomque said: «nothing is created, nothing is lost, everything is transformed »

-14 November 2019-
