The new eco: a special sales deposit 0-16 years opens in Pontarion

The new eco: a special sales deposit 0-16 years opens in Pontarion

Replay du vendredi 26 novembre 2021
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Dressing your children at low prices, giving a second life to clothes little worn by your offspring and making a little money in passing, it is the concept of a special 0-16 year olds that has just openedin Pontarion.

La nouvelle éco : Un dépôt vente spécial 0-16 ans ouvre à Pontarion

A 27-year-old young Creusoise, Mallaury Lefaure, opened a somewhat special Deput-Sales store on November 16 November 16.There are only second-hand clothes for 0-16 year olds, but also used games and toys.This mother of 2 children used to make garage sales and used resale platforms on the internet but that was not practical given the absence of relay points in her sector.Unemployed, she therefore decided to open her own shop (on 40m2), in the old butcher's shop run by her family and completely renovated for her project."Mallocas" (19 rue du Thaurion in Pontarion) is open Tuesday to Saturday, From 9:30 a.m. to 7 p.m..Contact: Maloccas@outlook.Fr

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